本論文中以數值方法研究具有方形凸出物之管流流場及熱傳特性,採用LES(Large Eddy Simulation)方法,
解三維Navier-Stokes 方程組,其中交叉使用MacCormack 及Godunov Scheme 方法,並採用有限體積法
(Finite Volume Method)的觀念,執行數值模擬,以獲取模型中的暫態時間與平均時間統計的流場及溫度場
發展情形,可提供相關研究之參考。 The purpose of this numerical study is to use the MacCormack and Godunov’s method to analyze the physics of
a rectangular duck flow with arrays of ribs. The effects of large eddy structures in the flow are simulated.
Turbulence model is introduced to simu