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顯示 25 項.
類別 |
日期 |
題名 |
作者 |
檔案 |
[生物資訊學系] 期刊論文 |
2010 |
Accurate and fast computational method for identifying protein function using protein-protein interaction data |
黃俊燕; Huang, Jiun-Yan |
[生物資訊學系] 期刊論文 |
2013 |
Robustness and adaptation reveal plausible cell cycle controlling subnetwork in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
黃俊燕; Huang, Jiun-Yan |
[生物資訊學系] 期刊論文 |
2005 |
Detecting ECG Characteristic Points by Novel Hybrid Wavelet Transforms: An Evaluation of a Clinical SCP-ECG Database |
曾文慶; Tzeng, Wen-Ching |
[休閒遊憩規劃與管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2010 |
Distribution of Tourism Economic Impacts: a Longitudinal Study |
陳沛悌; Chen, Pei-Ti |
[休閒遊憩規劃與管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2011 |
方偉達; Fang, Wei-Ta |
[休閒遊憩規劃與管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2005 |
臺北縣雙溪鄉牡丹溪整治影響之研究 |
朱達仁; tajen |
[休閒遊憩規劃與管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2010 |
深度訪談法運用在台灣醫療觀光發展之評估 |
陳沛悌; Chen, Pei-Ti |
[通識中心] 期刊論文 |
2007 |
各縣市文化中心功能的探討 |
曾錦坤; jinkuen |
[景觀建築學系] 期刊論文 |
2007 |
組合式魚道之設計與試驗研究 |
陳有祺; Chen, Yu-Chi |
[景觀建築學系] 期刊論文 |
2007 |
應用分布序列法探討河川棲地評估指標之適用性 |
陳有祺; Chen, Yu-Chi |
[電子工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2005 |
Area, Power and Throughput Trade-Offs in the Design of Pipelined 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Architectures Using Direct Cascading Form |
謝曜式; Shieh, Yaw-Shih |
[電子工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2012 |
The effect of oxgen species on the ZnO TFT prepared by atmosphere pressure plasma jet |
吳建宏; rossiwu |
[電子工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2006 |
Memory-Efficient and Fast Architectures for Forward and Inverse DCT with Multiplierless Operation, |
謝曜式; Shieh, Yaw-Shih |
[電子工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2006 |
The Closed-Loop Control for Dual-Output Boost Converter with Single inductor |
謝曜式; Shieh, Yaw-Shih |
[電子工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2005 |
Friction Compensation for Contour Error of Two-Axis Motion Control System by Using Cross-Couple with Variable-Gain PD Control |
謝曜式; Shieh, Yaw-Shih |
[電子工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2005 |
A igh-Speed/Low-Power Architecture for Two-Dimensional Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform With Multiplierless Operation |
謝曜式; Shieh, Yaw-Shih |
[電子工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2011 |
Effect of the Mixed N2/O2 Oxidation Process on Improvement of the Sensitivity of the SiGe Nano-Wire |
賴瓊惠; Lai, Chiung-Hui |
[機械工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2006 |
Superplastic micro-forming with a fine grained Zn-22Al eutectoid alloy using embossing technology |
葉明勳; Ming-Shyun, Yeh |
[機械工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2013 |
A combination of chaos and blind source separation for image encryption |
陳俊宏; Chen, Juhn-Horng |
[機械工程學系] 期刊論文 |
2008 |
Mechanical Behavior of Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu Ball Grid Array Assemblies at Elevated Temperatures |
葉明勳; Ming-Shyun, Yeh |
[餐旅管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2007 |
北投溫泉旅館關鍵服務品質屬性確認-Kano模式與IPA之應用 |
鄧維兆; Deng, Wei-Jaw |
[營建管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2011 |
Adsorption of Phenol and Basic Dye on Carbon Nanotubes/Carbon Fabric Composites from Aqueous Solution |
楊錫麒; Yang, Hsi-Chi |
[營建管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2013 |
建築資訊模型的資訊建置與應用—以鋼筋混凝土加強磚造住宅的施工為例 |
邱垂德; Chiu, Chui-Te |
[營建管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2011 |
埔里工務段辦公大樓新建工程應用BIM的實證經驗 |
邱垂德; Chiu, Chui-Te |
[營建管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2012 |
Research on the Green Building Revolution-Solar Energy Research and Development in Taiwan |
蕭炎泉; Shiau, Yan-Chyuan |