敘事中的建構對話是口述故事時的「表演」技巧,往往與劇場/戲劇場景的呈現有關(Wierzbicka 1974 and Li 1986)、增添敘事時的生動度(Labov 1972, Chafe 1982, Ochs 1979, Tannen 1982, Schiffrin 1981, among others)、同時也將講者與聽眾一起拉進故事的世界裡頭(Tannen 1983 and 1986)。本研究的目的在探討建構對話如何在一為閩語年長女性的敘事中所使用,所沿用的理論為Tannen(1986)有關建構對話 It has been well acknowledged that constructed dialogues, as a technique of “showing” employed in oral storytelling, are associated with a theatric/dramatic scenic presentation (Wierzbicka 1974 and Li 1986), add vividness to narration (Labov 1972, Chafe 1