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    Items for Author "Yu, K.M." 

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    Showing 98 items.

    Collection Date Title Authors Bitstream
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2013 A Parallel Block Predictor-Corrector Method by Python-Based Distributed Computing 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2013 Implementation of an RFID-Based Virtual Signal Mechanism for Indoor Location Sensing System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2013 Safe Path Planning Strategy for Bike Net 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2013 An Intelligent Active Alert Application on Handheld Devices for Emergency Evacuation Guidance 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2012 Constructing a Fuzzy Logic-Based High Performance Computing Environment: A case study of an IC Design House 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2012 Crowd Guidance for Emergency Fire Evacuation Based on Wireless Sensor Networks 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2011 Design and Implementation of a RFID-based Clean Room Real-Time Location-aware System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2011 An Ad Hoc Routing Protocol with Multiple Backup Routes 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2011 Projection of Shape Features for 3D Model Retrieval 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2010 A load-balanced distributed parallel mining algorithm 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2010 Parallel TID-based frequent pattern mining algorithm on a PC Cluster
    and grid computing system
    游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2010 The Design and Implementation of a Mobile Location-Aware Digital Signage System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2010 Implement a RFID-based Indoor Location Sensing System Using Virtual Signal Mechanism 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2010 A Secure Communication Mechanism Using NFC Technology 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2010 CALE: A Context-aware Living Environment Based on Zigbee Sensor Network 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2010 Balanced Multi-process Parallel Algorithm for Chemical Compound Inference with Given Path Frequencies 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2010 Parallel Frequent Patterns Mining Algorithm on GPU 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2009 Automatic Music Genre Classification Based on Modulation Spectral Analysis of Spectral and Cepstral Features 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2009 A Distributed and Cooperative Algorithm for the Detection and Elimination of Multiple Black Hole Nodes in Ad Hoc Networks 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2009 Efficient parallel branch-and-bound algorithm for constructing minimum ultrametric trees 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2009 Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for Bluetooth Scatternets 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2009 Chemical Compounds with Path Frequency Using Multi-Core Technology 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2009 Design and Implementation of a RFID Based Real-Time Location-aware System in Clean Room 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2009 Parallel Branch-and Bound Approach with MPI Technology in Inferring Chemical Compounds with Path Frequency 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2009 An Event-based Wireless Navigation and Healthcare System for Group Recreational Cycling 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2008 Protocol-Based With Feature Selection in Intrusion Detection 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2008 漸進式區塊深度優先關聯法則探勘之研究 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 Tidset-based Parallel FP-tree Algorithm for the Frequent Pattern Mining Problem on PC Clusters 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 Fusion of Static and Transitional Information of Cepstral and Spectral Features for Music Genre Classification 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 Indoor Location of the RFID System with Pattern Matching Techology 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 一個高效能多核心平行資料探勘演算法 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 A Low Power-consumption RFID Positioning System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 A Genetic Algorithm based Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Grid Computing Environment 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 Performance-Effective and Contention-Free Broadcasts on Irregular Network with Heterogeneous Workstations 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 An Adaptive Evolutional Algorithm for Scheduling Tasks in Computational Grid, 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 A High Performance Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm Using Confidence Frequent Pattern Tree 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 Balanced Tidset-based Parallel FP-tree Algorithm for the Frequent Pattern Mining on Grid System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 Modulation Spectral Analysis of Audio Features for Music Genre Classification 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 A Weighted Load-Balancing Parallel Apriori Algorithm for Association Rule Mining 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 A Two-Dimensional Data Fusion Model for Intrusion Detection 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 An Efficient Maintenance Algorithm of Generalized Association Rules for Record Modification 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 在RFID網路中以分群為基礎之多餘讀取器移除演算法 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 A Density-Based Algorithm for Redundant Reader Elimination in a RFID Network 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2008 An Evolution-based Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm in Grid Computing Environment 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 A Dynamic Resource Broker and Fuzzy Logic Based Scheduling Algorithmin Grid Environment 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 Automatic Music Genre Classification Using Modulation Spectral Contrast Feature 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 A Fuzzy Neural Network Based Scheduling Algorithm for Job Assignment on Computational Grids 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 Load Balancing Approach Parallel Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 Ultrametric Tree Construction and Evaluation Platform (UTCE) in Grid Computing System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 實作一個SIP垃圾電話偵測系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 Protocol-Based classification for Intrusion Detection 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 3-Points Relationship Based Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Ultrametric Tree Construction 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2007 以串流為基礎具有硬體加速內容檢查的郵件病毒掃描系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2006 An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Ultrametric Tree Construction Based on 3PR 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2006 A Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for Minimum Ultrametric Trees Construction 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2006 Design An Efficient Incremental Data Mining Algorithm Based on Pre_large Technique 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 設計一個安全性內容管理與主動式弱點偵測的聯合防禦系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 Design and Implementation of a High-performance Active Network Security System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 Tracers Placement for IP Traceback against DDoS Attacks 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 運用代理人機制進行以SIP為基礎的分散式網路電話監聽系統之設計與建構 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 設計與建構一個高效率且高可靠的安全聯合防禦系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 The Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Resource Broker Framework in a Grid Environment 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 A Fuzzy Logic Based Scheduling Algorithm in Grid Environment 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 An Efficient and Reliable Security Co-Defense System 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 分散式SIP網路電話監聽架構設計與實作 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 分散式安全聯合防禦系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2006 設計一個垃圾語音之防禦系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 其他教師著作 2006 An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Irregular Data Redistribution 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 其他教師著作 2006 UTCE: Ultrametric Tree Construction and Evaluation platform,” pp. 27, 2006. (8/15 ~ 8/17, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan). (NSC 94-2213-E-216-028). 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 其他教師著作 2006 RAP: Refine a Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 2005 An Adaptive Distributed Authorization System Based On RBAC 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2005 Irregular Redistribution Scheduling by Partitioning Messages 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2005 Contention-Free Communication Scheduling for Irregular Data Redistribution in Parallelizing Compilers 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2005 A Fast Technique for Constructing Evolutionary Tree with the Application of Compact Sets 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2005 建構一個具有自動分類能力之電子郵件管理系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2005 Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Constructing Evolutionary Trees from Distance Matrix 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2005 應用網格建立一個高效能演化樹平行建構環境 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2005 基於降冪高頻項目二元樹之快速資料探勘演算法 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2005 以頻繁樣式樹為基礎之平行分散式資料探勘演算法應用於肝功能檢驗與疾病關係之研究 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2005 設計一個具調適功能之高效能電子郵件管理系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 2005 智慧型電子廣告郵件防制架構之設計 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 2005 A Honey Pot Security Mechanism Based on Active Networks 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 2005 結合關聯式資料庫的資料探勘方法運用於醫病資料之研究 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 2004 A Fuzzy-Based Dynamic Load-Balancing Algorithm 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2004 Processor Replacement Method for Communication Immune Data Redistribution in Parallelizing HPF Compilers 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2004 A Genetic-Fuzzy Logic Based Load Balancing Algorithm in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2004 應用分群方式提升漸進式資料探勘效能之研究—以醫療門診為例 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 2004 Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Constructing Evolutionary Trees of Human Mitochondrial DNA from Distance Matrices 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 2004 分群技術與資料探勘應用於肝功能檢驗與疾病關係之研究 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2003 一個有效率的漸進式資料探勘架構—以醫療門診為例 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2003 主動式安全即時通報系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2003 一個具有兩階段動態負載平衡機制之高效能計算環境 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2003 以主動式網路為基礎之安全網路架構 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2003 整合性網路選課系統設計與實作 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2003 Design and Implement a Dynamic Distributed Authorization System On Extranet 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 研討會論文 2003 以個人數位助理建構一個行動式醫療輔助資訊服務系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 其他教師著作 2003 以個人數位助理建構一個行動式醫療輔助資訊服務系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.
    [資訊工程學系] 期刊論文 2003 以個人數位助理建構一個行動式醫療輔助資訊服務系統 游坤明; Yu, K.M.

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