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"Chang, Wen-Chih"的相關文件
顯示 48 項.
類別 |
日期 |
題名 |
作者 |
檔案 |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2011 |
規則向量空間在國小數學教學之應用 |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Using Rough Set Theory to Construct E-Learning FAQ Retrieval Infrastructure |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2007 |
Process State Integrated CPU Scheduling Game |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Integrating IRT to estimate learning ability with S-P Chart in web based learning environment |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Collaborative Learning Tool applying to C Programming Language |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2009 |
Vocational professional certification learning cognitive assessment evaluation based on rule-space and ontology |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Computer Assisted Learning with Card Game in System Design Concept |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Developing a Prototype of Video Game-Based Learning Environment |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
To analyze assessment using SPC Table |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Introductory C Programming Language Learning with Game-based Digital Learning |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Developing the Historical Culture Course by using the Ubiquitous Game-Based Learning Environment |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2007 |
Using SPC Table to Strengthen SCORM Compliant Assessment |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2007 |
Cultivating Operating System Process Concept with Card Game |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2013 |
Ubiquitous Geography Learning Smartphone System for 1st Year Junior High Students in Taiwan |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2011 |
A New Medical Training Platform Based on PBL method |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2012 |
Mobile learning with RFID technology in Operating System course |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2009 |
A Map-based Assessment System Supporting History Education |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2012 |
Learning achievements and after-school friendship Interpersonal of social network Analysis |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2012 |
uFolio:A Conceptual Design Framework for a Learning Platform and assessment system |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2011 |
uFolio:A Conceptual Design Framework for a Learning Platform and Assessment System |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2010 |
Applied Social Network Anaysis to Project Curriculum |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2010 |
Exploring the distribution and relationship between MSN and the physical world |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2010 |
Game-based digital learning system assists and motivates C programming language learners |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2009 |
The Learning Analysis System Integrate with S-P Chart and Rule-Space Model |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2009 |
Developing the Immersive Learning Environment by Integrating the Interactive Video and Ubiquitous Technologies |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2011 |
Development ofRFID English Learning Supporting System for Elementary School Students in Taiwan |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2010 |
Using Adventure Game to Facilitate Learning Assessment Process |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2006 |
Applying SCORM in Cooperative Learning |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2007 |
Integrating SPC Table Formative Assessment With SCORM |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2009 |
Applying IRT to Estimate Learning Ability and K-means Clustering in Web based Learning |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2009 |
Developing an Interactive Video Game-Based Learning Environment |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2009 |
Game-based Learning with Ubiquitous Technologies |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2009 |
Using S-P Chart and Bloom Taxonomy to Develop Intelligent Formative Assessment Tool |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2010 |
Immersive Learning Environment with Integrated Interactive Video and Ubiquitous Technologies |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2011 |
Game-based Collaborative Learning System |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2011 |
Application of Social Network Analysis to Project Curriculum |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Learning Kruskal' s algorithm, Prim's algorithm and Dijkstra's Algorithm by board game |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2009 |
Integrating IRT to Clustering Student's Ability with K-Means |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 其他教師著作 |
2008 |
Collaborative Learning Tool applying to C Programming Language |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2012 |
Cognitive Knowledge status of Learning Path in C++ Programming Language based on Rule Space Model for College Students |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2010 |
Board Game Supporting Learning Prim's Algorithm and Dijkstra's Algorithm |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2009 |
Automatic applying Bloom's taxonomy to classify and analysis the cognition level of English question items |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文 |
2010 |
An RFID-Based Learning System Supporting Ubiquitous Context-Aware Bloom's Cognition Knowledge Analysis |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2010 |
An Analysis of Students' Intention to Use Ubiquitous Video Game-Based Learning System |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2011 |
Cognitive Knowledge status of Learning Path in C++ Programming Language based on Rule Space Model for College Students |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2009 |
規則空間模型之認知學習評估-以ITE課程為案例 |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2008 |
Programming Language Teamwork Learning Tool |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |
[資訊管理學系] 研討會論文 |
2007 |
運用卡片遊戲培養系統設計的概念 |
張文智; Chang, Wen-Chih |